Contact Us
Bookings can be made by mailing to info@sottolaquercia.eu or you can call us on +39 366 521 59 97.
After your request has been processed, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with an invitation to pay a 50% advance payment of the total amount, due within 7 calendar days. Only after we received this advance payment, your booking is completed. We are happy to receive the remaining amount 10 weeks prior to your arrival. In case your booking takes place less than 10 weeks upfront, the full amount of your booking will be asked as an advance payment.
By transferring the advance payment you accept our General Terms & Conditions
After your visit you can always leave a review on Charmelogies - www.charmelogies.com
or Bij Landgenoten - www.bijlandgenoten.be or on our Facebook-page.
or Bij Vakantie bij Belgen - www.vakantiebijbelgen.com or Zoover - www.zoover.nl
Click here for a detailed travel plan.
Sotto la Quercia
Via Territoriale 19
60010 OSTRA
Le Marche, Italia
Tel: +39 366 521 59 97
Exact coordinates Sotto la Quercia:
Latitude: 43° 38’ 33,0" – 43° 38,550’ – 43,64250° N
Longitude: 13° 6’ 24,7" – 13° 6,412’ – 13,10686° O
Coordinates Strada Bianca (Beginning of the street):
Latitude: 43° 38’ 36,2" – 43° 38,604’ – 43,64340° N
Longitude: 13° 6’ 8,2" – 13° 6,136’ – 13,10227° O